Mom Jeans Deliver Winning Performance at Starland Ballroom

Starland Ballroom has been host to many noteworthy acts and this past weekend California-based emo-rock band Mom Jeans stopped by to deliver a fun and high-energy performance that showcased their vibrant and sincere style. The band are currently on tour and have been accompanied by acts Summer Salt and Hunny, each performance of Mom Jean’s tour is themed and appropriately the Starland show was Jersey Shore themed. The band all decked out in white wife-beaters hit the stage with electric energy and lead vocalist Eric Butler anchored the set with his down to earth and relatable stage presence. The band’s set effectively balanced both up-beat numbers and more introspective selections and the on-stage chemistry was organic throughout. Credit must also be given to the equally strong performances delivered by openers Summer Salt and Hunny. Summer Salt’s laid-back and mellow indie-rock sound was a nice contrast and their positive energy kept the momentum going strong. Hunny kicked off the evening in high fashion with a confident and vibrant sound and the chemistry between each of the three members allowed everyone to shine through on stage. Each act contributed something diverse and unique to the show and the audience resonated greatly with each act.

It’s refreshing to see a lineup these days so well-rounded and accessible and in that regard, Mom Jean’s Starland show was an exciting and welcome showcase. The band’s relatable appeal was apparent throughout and their performance was earnest and exhilarating in equal measure. The inclusion of Hunny and Summer Salt truly complemented the bill and they illustrated themselves as notable acts in their own right. Overall, Mom Jean’s tour is a very satisfying and dynamic live experience that’s recommended for both firmly and newly established fans. For more updates regarding Mom Jeans, be sure to follow them on social media and streaming platforms. Be sure to give Hunny and Summer Salt a follow as well!

Mom Jeans

Summer Salt


Kenny Bieber

Kenny Bieber is a local music journalist and photographer who also highly values a good pun, quality milkshake and swears he doesn’t have too many records. He’s generally just happy to be here.

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